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Consuming Webhooks

Many SaaS products including popular services like Stripe and Okta support Webhooks, allowing a web application to register a Medplum URL to receive notifications. When a certain event occurs in the source application, such as a new user signup or a change to a record, the source application sends an HTTP POST request to the URL registered by the destination application. This HTTP POST request contains information about the event that occurred.

Medplum bots can be used to listen for webhooks and so keep records synchronized between systems. When another application fires a webhook, it can trigger a Medplum bot using the $execute endpoint.

For an example of a Bot that consumes webhooks, see the Stripe demo bot.

Planning your integration

To get started, find the webhook documentation for the SaaS product you want to connect to Medplum. Find what type of data the webhook will send to Medplum and make note of it. For example, Stripe publishes an event object specification that outlines the JSON that the webhook will post.

Creating a Bot

Once you understand the shape of the data you will consume, write a bot to parse the data and create or update the relevant FHIR resources. These bots are varied, but it can help to make a list of which FHIR resources need to be manipulated when the Bot is triggered. The demo bots repo has examples across use cases

We recommend writing some unit tests as well, and have several samples provided in medplum-demo-bots repo that use our @medplum/mock library for testing.

Using Typescript SDKs in your bot

If the SaaS application that sends webhooks publishes a Typescript SDK, it's straightforward to add it to your bot, to streamline development. Add the package to the devDependencies in the package.json of your bot repository and install the dependency, and example from demo bots repo is available. You can then use the Typescript SDK when developing your bot.

The Stripe demo bot uses the Stripe Typescript SDK.

Creating Access Policies

We recommend making at least one, but probably two Access Policies to enable Webhooks from applications. The reason these policies are important is that the allow the SaaS application to have very minimal access to the data in your Medplum project.

Create an Access Policy that allows read only access to the Bot, like below.

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "Stripe Webhook Access Policy",
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Bot",
"readonly": true

Create a ClientApplication and assign the AccessPolicy above to that application and save.

Create another (optional) one for the bot, that enables only the resources that bot touches and assign it to the bot in your Admin settings.

"resourceType": "AccessPolicy",
"name": "Stripe Bot Access Policy",
"resource": [
"resourceType": "Invoice"
"resourceType": "Account"

Configuring Webhooks in another Application

The SaaS application that generates the webhooks will have a configuration for the endpoint url. Construct one, like below using the client id, secret from the previous section and id of the bot you created.


Authenticating Payloads

Many SaaS applications support signature verification. Their webhook configuration portal will have a place to download a secret or signing secret. You can store that value in bot secrets and use it to verify the webhook signature.

Monitoring your integration

As data flows through the system, you can see event logs in your Medplum app as AuditEvents.