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Contributing to Medplum

Medplum is an open-source project, and we love developer contributions! This section provides instructions on how to get started developing new features for Medplum.

If you're looking to use Medplum, check out the App or API docs instead.

Ready to get started? First things first, you need to Clone the repo.

Contributor Guidelines

Reporting a bug or discussing a feature idea

If you found a technical bug on Medplum or have ideas for features we should implement, the issue tracker is the best place to share your ideas. Click here to open a new issue!

Fixing a bug or implementing a new feature

If you find a bug on Medplum and open a PR that fixes it we'll review it as soon as possible.

If you want to implement a new feature, open an issue first to discuss your plans and to ensure it fits in our roadmap and plans for the app. If for some reason we don't accept your PR, you're welcome to fork our repository and implement it on your own version.

Legal Note

By making a contribution to this project, you are deemed to have accepted the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).

All conversations and communities on Medplum agree to GitHub's Community Guidelines and Acceptable Use Policies.