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Welcome to Medplum

Get Started

Write your first medical application in 5 minutes

API Docs

Reference documentation about Medplum's client API for reading and writing healthcare data


See how to apply Medplum against your healthcare problem

Basic Concepts

Learn the basic concepts behind Medplum and the FHIR standard for healthcare data

What is Medplum?

Medplum is a developer platform that enables flexible and rapid development of healthcare apps. Using Medplum products you can build many types of healthcare applications. The diagram below is a system overview:

Medplum system overview

Getting Started

  • Get started right away, you can register here. If needed, Medplum also supports self-hosting, get the source code on Github.
  • The Basic Concepts page provides a good primer on Medplum and contains important information about the FHIR, the healthcare data standard on which Medplum is built.
  • If you're ready to start coding, use our tutorials to get up and running
  • Our detailed documentations goes step-by-step through specific use cases. Don't see a how-to guide you need? Reach out on our Discord or send us an email at

Reference Material

Medplum is open source, reference material and sample applications are available for browsing unauthenticated.


  • Contributing - Medplum is open source because we believe that streamlining healthcare is based on transparency and collaboration. If you are interested contributing to Medplum, check out our Contributors page
  • Discord - Join the conversation by checking us out on Discord
  • Youtube - Our Youtube Channel includes content that aids in app development